Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Essay framework.

Discuss what is creative tourism and the advantages of creative tourism.

Thesis statement : Creative tourism is tourism that offers visitors a creative pursuit (including arts, crafts and cookery workshops), with the opportunity to stay in high quality accommodation, and to connect with local people in a distinctive destination.

Topic sentence 1 : Another definition for creative tourism is 
'Tourism motivated wholly, or in part by interest in the historical, artistic or lifestyle/heritage offerings of a tourism destination’ and emerged to meet the demand from visitors looking for more than ‘sun, sea and sand’ mass market experiences.

 It encourages arts and tourism sectors to work more closely together and it encompasses visits to enjoy visual and performing arts, museums, galleries, heritage attractions, artists open studios, art fairs, auctions, public art and architecture, films, festivals and other cultural events.'

Topic sentence 2 : The advantages of creative tourism is devoloping creative cultures.
-Creative tourism allows visitors to get even closer to local people through participation in interactive workshops and informal learning experiences that draw on the culture of their holiday destinations and, at the same time, develop their creative potential.

Topic sentence 3 : The following advantages of creative tourism includes provides connection and authentic experiences.

-Research sponsored by Enjoy England shows that people want more time, space and energy, and a greater sense of wellbeing and are demonstrating a growing desire to connect with each other and feel more in touch with local communities.

-A creative tourism break can provide this and also provide people with a sense of achievement through learning a new skill.

-Also, by creating their own souvenir, whether a painting, crafted object, poem or even a recipe, people are more likely to have a lasting emotional attachment for the creative tourism destination, to talk, blog or tweet about in a positive way and to return again.

Topic sentence 4 : The most advantages of creative tourism is 
creative tourism for tourism providers include the opportunities to enhance existing cultural experiences and to provide differentiation from the competition.

-For destinations it not only offers opportunities to provide local authentic experiences and to extend the season, but also delivers additional economic benefits to creative professionals delivering the learning experiences and for the wider community living and working there.

Conclusion :

-Creative tourism development around the world, including the UK, shows that it has mainly been driven by arts providers and public funding, and when this money dries up, projects have found it difficult to continue. For creative tourism in the UK to be successful it needs to be driven by the tourism sector that has existing routes to market and business development expertise.

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